The foundation
for everything we do.

Best table fruits in the highest of qualities are absolutely essential to the creation of outstanding fine brandies and extraordinary fruit juices. And, here, we're interested just as much in maintaining the diversity of cultivars and saving so-called "old types of fruit" as we are in managing our land on a sustainable basis.

That's why our work in our orchards is characterized by great care and dedication: it's our aim to be kind to nature while achieving commercial success with high-quality and healthy fruits.

It's also the reason why we work to the principles of "integrated production" and why we have been certified by GLOBALGAP. This means among other things that chemicals are used extremely sparingly with particular care being taken not to harm beneficial fauna and to concentrate more on biological (e.g. nest boxes, predatory mites, mulching, etc.), bio-technical (e.g. misleading tactics, pheromone traps, etc.) and mechanical (removal of shoots contaminated with mildew or aphids and so on) methods of pest control.

Our agricultural management pays particular attention to soil care using grass mulch to improve the soil's humus content. This produces a broader diversity of grasses and plants that are important to butterflies, hover flies and other beneficial insects as sources of food.

Yields are intentionally limited by only applying fertilizers by hand and cutting trees to create the best leaf-to-fruit ratio: the foundation for optimum exposure to sunlight and thus the production of particularly tasty fruits. Finally, our trees are not harvested all at once but several times: only choice and fully ripened fruits are hand-picked.